Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I chose poorly

Once again, I'm starting the search for a new place to call home. I just can't catch a break with chosing roommates or apartments. All I want is quiet place with room for my stuff and a mellow roommate that isn't a dick or powertripper. I run a tight program and I just wanna BE. I'm an adult who doesn't need any scolding unless it's from the strong arm of some skank in leather smackin me around late-night. I've come to realize I'm not a fan of stoners, either. Not the weed, just the people who are tied down like a ball and chain to it. Life is about haing fun all the time every single day. Don't sweat the small shit. Focus on the positive and not the negative. Might have to find my own place again. The common denominator problem seems to be me. Hmmm.


  1. To The Worlds Best Roomie,
    You always have a place at crib Tonto, but your old " Portland Trailblazer Man Chair" is not welcome. Best of luck roomie.

  2. I got an extra room too... and i don't smoke dope.

  3. Thanks homos. The Man Chair and I will find a home.

  4. wasn't that thing posted for sale a while back? takers!!? heeheehee

  5. Just get a place by yourself bro, problem solved.
