Monday, April 18, 2011


I fucking love springtime in the mountains after a long winter of shred. It feels so good to get a bit of warm sun on the face and not freeze my balls off every second of every day. The snow goes off around 10:30 each day and there's a lot more chillin going down. The only retards left in town are season pass holders trying to get one last run on some broken down knees and chalk up another season.

I've had a wienerless winter until yesterday. It took me all winter long to finally get my first Irvings Red Hot of the season. They make a mean meat log.

Then it's on to mountain biking....which it looks like I'll be doing a shit ton over the next few months. I'm getting sucked into the vortex of death called MIDDLE AGE SKI/SURF/MTN BIKE BUM. The original plan was to spend the witner here then immediately get back to the rat race on the big city. But I'm getting amped on a summer in Idaho.

So after spending the month of May surfing Peru's bitchin lefts, I'm coming back and gonna break myself on a bike all summer long. That's right. A summer full of fighting, fucking, running, and smiling just like my bro Kyle Lightner advises. And THEN it's back to the Real World getting crushed by TPS reports, back pain, 2 margarita lunches, and Le Gout. Fuck you, gout.


  1. keep it movin' and pace yourself on those wieners bud--nice work on the mid-life crisis planning Dr.!

  2. The MLC is coming along nicely. I'm puttin together a blue print for yours in a couple years.
