Friday, April 30, 2010

Tortilla Soup>Penis Washing LIVE!

Untitled from Brown Recluse on Vimeo.

Early one afternoon, a slothy member of our group decided it was best to knock back 15 Pacificos, countless margaritas and a shit ton Mexican Marlboros. He shall remain the anonymous. Anywho, Brian Bybee also really likes tortilla soup at the Burro Boracho, so we tried to roust him to rallye over there with us later that evening. There wasn't much movement over in Bybee's vacinity. Not much stirring. Around this time, Jimmy decided to grab the geetar and sing him awake Tom Bodet/blues style.


  1. we'll leave a light on for ya...

    dude's killinit!

  2. creative license, eh? @ least I didn't spit on the floor this time. Burro Burracho decor quotes, "I Hate Missing You", "I Love Hating You", "Don't tell me who my Friends are".
